Whew, those Japan posts took a lot to put together. I’m so glad I did though as now I have a great reminder of what a...

Whew, those Japan posts took a lot to put together. I’m so glad I did though as now I have a great reminder of what a...
Nara was Japan’s first permanent capital and was established in the year 710. It is located less than an hour away...
After breakfast at the Watanabe Inn, we were driven down to the ferry dock. Actually, we asked to be dropped off at...
On April 10, 2019, Karen and I were now travelling in Japan on our own. We were up early, long before the rest of our...
Tuesday, April 9, 2019, was the last day of the OAT tour. There was really only one tour scheduled then we had the...
Monday, April 8, 2019, had us travelling by charted bus to the Arashiyama district of Kyoto. This is a really...
Warning this post will be very picture heavy and the pictures don’t even start to give both of these places justice....
I think Kyoto is my favourite Japanese city. It just has so much going for it. I love how there are so many...
On Thursday, April 4, 2019, it was to be an optional tour of Gokayama which was even further up into the mountains. By...
Wednesday, April 3, 2019, was a really busy day. There was a lot on the itinerary and the weather was still cold (you...
Today we left Hakone by motor coach and travelled to Odawara station. On our travels we saw Odawara Castle from a...
Hakone (箱根) is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, less than one hundred kilometres from Tokyo. Famous for hot...