Quilting Articles

Quilting Vintage Valentine Forever Hand Applique Project

Have you ever tried to get good at something and then given up because you start comparing your work, life or whatever it is you are trying to achieve to someone else? Well, that is totally happening to me for the past two weeks. I finally had a lull in between client...

Sweet Diversions

Who knew that going through the McDonald’s drive-through would be the highlight of the day! Seriously, and this from someone who hates drive-throughs. However, that is exactly what happened the other day. It was a beautiful day and so Kevin and I decided to go for a...

Keeping Busy in the New Normal

Interestingly, and I think I have mentioned this before, my world doesn’t look that much different these days than it did before. I mean I have been working from home now for a couple of years and I don’t tend to go out much anyway. I do miss going to church on...

Quilting in Strange Times

Inside Happenings! Don’t know what else to call it really! I have started making bread every other day, it is just a quick artisan loaf however I am thinking maybe it’s time to branch out and try other types of bread. We’ll see. I baked a cake last night. It must have...
Sweet Diversions

Sweet Diversions

Who knew that going through the McDonald’s drive-through would be the highlight of the day! Seriously, and this from...