Travel Articles

End of Summer Quilting Recap

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes It’s the end of Summer! How did that happen? Lately, my blog posts have been a lot of how-to posts, however this month I thought I would do a summer quilting recap. Some of my blog readers are armchair quilters, so this post is for...

Finishing Frenzy and Travel Updates

Whew, those Japan posts took a lot to put together. I’m so glad I did though as now I have a great reminder of what a great trip it was. So, what’s been going on around here since I finally finished up the trip. Well, as I think I mentioned in my last blog post-Mom...

Nara Japan

Nara was Japan’s first permanent capital and was established in the year 710. It is located less than an hour away from Kyoto. Nara holds some of Japan’s oldest and largest temples. Karen and I arrived in Nara in the early evening and found our way to our hotel. The...

Hiroshima and Himeji Castle

After breakfast at the Watanabe Inn, we were driven down to the ferry dock. Actually, we asked to be dropped off at the Post Office as Karen wanted to ship some of her purchases back home. You should have seen the confused looks on the two lone Post Office clerks. In...


I think Kyoto is my favourite Japanese city. It just has so much going for it. I love how there are so many...

A Day on our Own

A Day on our Own

On Thursday, April 4, 2019, it was to be an optional tour of Gokayama which was even further up into the mountains. By...

Busy End of Summer

Busy End of Summer

The first day of Autumn. I love Summer and this one was particularly good however the weather has changed now, it's...

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Heading Off Island

Heading Off Island

Well lot's of quilty things happening here but nothing I can actually write about as yet so will have to save it all...

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