Quilting Articles

Staying Home! Love it or Hate it!

For some people staying inside can be incredibly hard, they need to be out meeting people. These people get their energy from being around other people. I don’t happen to be one of those people. I really enjoy my time alone so staying inside in quiet introspection is...

What’s Going On!

So how is everyone doing being stuck at home? Crazy times huh! Well, the good news in all of this is that some people are getting a lot of quilting done! Unfortunately, not me, why you might ask? Well, I managed to come down with a really bad cold, so I have been...

Getting back to Normal, Whatever that is!

The house is slowly getting back to normal. The last three months of living out of my master bedroom were really interesting, to say the least. I felt so cooped up. The one bright spot is that I realized I could live in a much smaller space if I really ever needed to....

The Rebuild

  Well, things are finally getting put back together. In fact, by the end of next week (fingers crossed) I should have my house back in order. The quilting room is all back and better than ever! It was a good opportunity to go through the many books, magazine,...
A Quilt Finish

A Quilt Finish

Yeah, I finally finished one of my own quilts. The first in, oh, I don't know maybe a year now. This particular quilt...

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What’s Up!

What’s Up!

So what is up with me! A lot has changed in the last month and mostly for the better! This post will not be quilting...

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Time vs Money

Time vs Money

What a beautiful summer we have been having here in Victoria BC. It has been a busy one too. Have you ever thought...

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