So this morning I sat down to write a blog post however this is proving to be quite frustrating. First the computer said it didn’t have any internet. OK fine reboot the computer and start over, alright now I have internet and everything is working so the pictures I want to share are on my phone. No problem just send them via email to me and I can edit them and upload them. I know I could use a cable but I only have one and it’s not handy.

Nope, they won’t send, this isn’t the first time this has happened and seems to be a regular occurrence these days even though it used to be a very simple task. So my hour that I had to write this post is slowly dwindling down to like 35 minutes. Sigh! I am obviously going to have to purchase a second cable and keep it hooked up to the computer for easy sharing.

Ha so I get the cable and plug the phone in to get the pictures and just then the pictures show up in my inbox. (sigh again) except now Lightroom decides it doesn’t want to work. Really! Oh well, deep breath and carry on. OK unplug the phone from the computer and now Lightroom works. Go figure.

camila-1So now  that I finally (hopefully) have the computer challenges figured out on to the blog post. The weather in Victoria has been mostly WET with the odd nice sunny day thrown in just to remind us how beautiful and appreciated those days are. The temperatures have been very mild with some of the early plum trees along Blanchard street getting mixed up as they are blooming now. I took a picture of this plant on Sunday and it too is clearly confused as it doesn’t normally bloom until late February around here.

As well, last week while taking my Mom to the eye doctors we both noticed daffodils popping their stems up in the landscaping of the building where the eye doctor has their offices. I used to work in that building and although these daffodils were often up in January, earlier than most areas, seeing them trying to grow in late November is unusual.

On the quilting front I haven’t been doing too much other than re-organizing my studio and I have been sewing my Gravity quilt top together. I have it mostly completed now just two more sections to go. I can’t wait to get this one finished as I am really looking forward to quilting it.

The one task I have on my agenda today is decorating the house for Christmas. Yesterday was cleaning (ugh) not one of my favourite tasks but a necessary one.

So for those reading this and living in the Victoria area, Kevin and I are having an open house at our home 23-4125 Interurban Road this coming Saturday, December 3, 2016. Please pop in between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm for coffee, tea and cookies we would love to catch up with you. Hope to see you then.

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