Yesterday I went to a workshop on how to create a soul collage. This is the first I had heard of this technique. Our session was facilitated by Laura Anderson who I found to be an excellent facilitator. I enjoyed the technique immensely and hope to participate in more such events.

What is SoulCollage? Here is the answer from the website

SoulCollage® is a fun process that anyone can do. Founder, Seena Frost, describes SoulCollage® in her book, SoulCollage® Evolving,and on Frost’s CDs. People make a deck of collaged cardsImage, one card at a time. The SoulCollage® deck mirrors the self as a whole and each card images one part of that self. People use their SoulCollage® cards to access their own inner wisdom and find direction by “reading” their cards individually or in groups. They ask their life’s questions and, speaking from their own cards for themselves in a special context, provide direction for themselves. Sharing readings and SoulCollage® cards are enjoyable, enriching ways to deepen intimacy and strengthen community.

Our facilitator Laura had many cut up photographs around and we had to pick images that spoke to us without letting our thinking mind get in the way so had a limited time limit. From there we created our own card. It was a very enlightening and freeing process.

Laura does have a facebook business page called Casa of Light although it hasn’t been updated in a while. If you live in the Victoria area and are at all interested in creating these cards you could try contacting her through the page.

In the quilting area I have been working on a client quilt. I have it on the frame and doing the stitch in the ditch work hoping an idea will come to my head on how to continue quilting it. Some of the ideas I have had our below.

The client liked one of the ideas but now that I have it on the frame I’m questioning that idea so will continue on with the ditch stitching and hope something starts speaking to me as I’m sure it will. Truthfully all of the ideas would work well. Sometimes I have to fight the perfectionist in me that says the design has to be perfect!!

So what is perfect, and who says anyway. I think I need to pin this on my wall today.

If You For Perfection You’ll Never Be Content - Perfection Quote

My question for people today how many people struggle with having to have everything perfect before they even start a project?

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