Well I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. I am on my last day of medication. I am still getting tired easily but am on the mend. Needless to say not much quilty has been happening around here. I even took last Friday off and listened to an audio book. I can’t remember the last time I have done that.

One thing I am always amazed at is the synchronicity of events sometimes. Like Monday for instance, I have been working hard towards a goal and am making progress however what with one thing and another I have also been disappointed that the goal isn’t happening faster than I would like. I like to relax watching YouTube videos, some are about entrepreneurship and some are more spiritual in nature. So the other day I opened up YouTube and there in my channel listings was two separate videos on just the subject that I was needing to hear about. The amazing thing is that even though the two videos were different in nature they both had the exact same message and it was the message I really needed to hear that day.

I don’t know why I am surprised at this but it always does surprise me when it happens. I remember taking a double take when I saw the subject line of the videos and saying really, how apropos. It happens enough these days that I really shouldn’t be surprised at all.

I’m curious has this ever happened to anyone else? Maybe it has and you just haven’t been aware of it. Let me know in the comments if you have experienced this.

One thing I did get up to last weekend was to get out for an hour last Sunday as I was getting cabin fever. A knitting store here in Victoria has a Fibre Arts celebration every year and they were having vendors and different demonstrations going on. It was mostly knitting, spinning and weaving but I enjoyed myself even so.


Sunday was windy and cold, you would never have known we had a heat wave just two days before. It was so windy some of the vendors were sitting holding down their tents.

I wandered around happily and talked to a few of the vendors who were from all over the island, some from the Mainland and even one from Seattle.

I do knit but not on a regular basis however I did purchase some hand-spun wool to make Kevin a warm waterproof cap to wear in winter under his hardhat (he works outside on a log sort).

I love this quote I found, even when you have pains, you do not have to be one.

Rather apropos for me last week.

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