Whew, it’s been a week since I posted last. This is not great but in my defense I haven’t been all that well. I mentioned in an earlier post that I had hurt my hip while lifting my sewing machine to take it to a workshop. Well, it turns out I actually tore the muscle so several chiropractor sessions later and it’s finally feeling better. Today is the first day I can actually sit down for more than 30 minutes at a stretch. To top it off I was fighting a cold and then the wonderful rain we’ve been having has made life rather depressing.

However, today I seemed to have turned a corner. The sun is shining and it is beautiful and warm outside, the cold seems to have gone and as mentioned I can finally sit down at the computer without pain shooting through me. It’s amazing how many things we take for granted, like bending down to put on shoes, until you can’t do them anymore without it hurting.

I did manage to do the craft fair and it was OK, it was very slow but I managed to sell a few things so that is always a good thing.

On the cat front, Mia stopped eating so we ended up taking her to the vet today. She seems to be fine just too many changes in her life in a 30 day period. She seems to have perked up after the vet visit, and did finally eat something, after that she went and hid under the bed in the spare room. Cocoa couldn’t find her, he knew we had left with her and I had put him in the bedroom when we got home so as to keep her stress level down. Well he was going crazy looking everywhere for her when I finally let him out of the bedroom.  When I realized what he was looking for I showed him where she was, he poked his head under (he can’t fit so she’s safe) saw where she was and then he was fine and left her alone. Go figure! Later in the day, he hopped up on the bed to get some sun and when Kevin came by to check on things this is what he found, Cocoa on one side and Mia came out from under the bed to join him in the sunshine.


Not exactly friends but not terrified of one another either.

On the quilting front, I managed to get all of my client quilts done and back to them. I have a new quilt that came in this week which is more modern in nature so I have it hanging over the quilting frame waiting for inspiration. I got an idea last night and managed to get a good photo of the quilt today so now I just have to draw out my idea and see if it looks as good on paper as in my head.

I also found time to do a bit of piecing. I could do that as long as I stood up to go to the ironing board, that way I was only sitting for a few minutes at a time and my hip didn’t get too sore. I started Jaybird Quilts Gravity quilt over a year ago now and got the blocks done but that was about it. Here is where it is sitting now.

I can’t wait to finish this one and start quilting it.

Image result for Life quotes

A good quote for me this past week.

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